
  • Dino and Terry c/o Crash Records
    221 Dufferin Street Suite 301A Toronto ON M6K 3J2
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Frank Bialystok


Thanks for stopping to talk to me and for introducing me to your family and for your kind remarks about my classes. I was kind of taken aback and, apologetically, unable to retrieve your face from memory. But I looked you up in the yearbook and my old mark books (yes, I still have them), and it all came back. I recall that MacDonald used to draw some outrageous cartoons of me.

It's so rewarding to have old students come up and introduce themselves. Although I've been teaching at the university level for the last decade, my NTCI experience is much more profound.

All the best in your endeavours.

I'll try and catch a show at Beba.



Robert Tannis

Funny to see you on King Street....Please keep me in the loop for this summer....

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